‘Life is about flight, fury and fun. What better way to explore such glorious mayhem than through the use of words.’
Maryam was born in Łódź,Poland and raised on three continents. She is fluent in French and English, and good in German. Receiving her Bachelor’s in English Literature in the United States, as well as possessing a Postgraduate Degree in Classical Acting from the United Kingdom, she spent over a decade in sales before returning to her calling.
Heavily influenced by Jacobean theatre, her work focuses on enlightening the reader to lesser heard narratives that live and breathe in our wonderfully diverse world. ‘‘Cause in the end, this world was made for us, wasn’t it?’
A lifelong peripatetic, Maryam is actively searching for her home, but settling in New York City for just a little bit longer. Her favorite book is A Farewell to Arms, her favorite band Genesis, and her favorite whisky Johnnie Walker Green Label.